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Sharing is Caring 🎊

· 3 min read
Jin En Ng

That's a 🎉 wrap for being the leaders of Microsoft Modern Workplace Squad from January to March 2021.

Jin En#

I started my journey with Microsoft Modern Workplace Squad in August 2020, since then I’ve been joining the team in delivering different workshops to students and lecturers, and also sharpen my own office 365 skills with all the trainings received from the squad. I’ve also met a group of passionate and interesting individuals in the squad who make these virtual experiences great and fun!

Then, in January 2021, I volunteered to be the squad leader and begin a whole new experience with the squad. As a leader, I’m not just participating in the workshops or trainings, I’ll need to host the events together with the other leaders. Furthermore, aside from the workshops for external stakeholders, we also need to think what kind of events will be suitable to boost up the energy of the squad, and how can we make the squad feel the belongingness with MWS. Well, we had a few discussions, and some ideas are good, some are too radical, in the end we decided to put members into group, hence the old and new members could blend in together when they work towards the same goal. Some of the group tasks we designed for the groups are Sway Group Profile, and Case Study Contest. Although there are some hiccups throughout the journey of implementing the ideas, but I guess we all learn from our mistakes and bounce back to reach a new height.

My favorite moment through this journey is the moment I can see the joy in the squad members’ face, and hear their exciting voices through microphone, that’s the moment I know all the hard work that me and the leaders put through has been paid off.

I do have some regret throughout my journey as a leader. I regret that I didn’t think outside of the box and look for partnership with other clubs and society, so we can hold some exciting events together. Instead of the ordinary Internal Office 365 trainings, engagement day, etc. Therefore, I think the new leaders are doing great, they’re wild and creative in their ideas, they really did well in boosting up the energy in the squad. For that, I’ll give them my respect, and I’ll learn from them!

In future, I hope that we can physically meet each other and bring more possibilities and opportunities for the squad members to bond together. Personally, I would like to pay a visit to Microsoft office and maybe get a T-Shirt from Microsoft to prove that “Yes, I’m a MWS member :D”