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Sharing is Caring 🥳

· 4 min read
Yee Han Chung
Zhen Hao Lee

That's a 🎉 wrap for being the leaders of Microsoft Modern Workplace Squad from July to September 2020.

Yee Han#

Such a fun and challenging experience.

To be continued....

Zhen Hao#

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming Hola, just wanted to lift the mood a little and hope you get the reference! (It’s the finding the nemo reference). As I believed that many of you reading this might not knowing who I am, let me introduce myself first. My name is Lee Zhen Hao, and I am the past squad leader and social media lead!

Let me start from the beginning…

As many of you are facing online interviews from the recruitment, it was a different story from my side. During my time (early January of 2020 if not mistaken), I attended the workshop on Nilai campus rather than online! Unfortunately, it holds the same for my interview session. I still remember the day I enter Menara Shell to get into Microsoft Malaysia Office. The lift was operated by the security guard, and you get greet with a large glass pane door, seeing Microsoft office interior from outside. After entering the office, I started to see other candidates as well, you could feel the atmosphere being so dense due to face to face interview with Microsoft employees. Trust me when I say online recruitment has its merits, you feel more comfortable as you are still at your room during the interview! But for me, everything was alien to me, the environment was so alien to me that I notice the temperature, the AC, and the floor rug, maybe the focusing on these things were my coping mechanism for stress HAHA. In the end, I became Microsoft Ambassador!

Along the way, I had volunteer into squad lead and social media lead! Many things that you were familiar to are from my team! For instance, online recruitment process and content management system were my footprint in MWS! My favourite moments during me being the squad leader for Subang campus were numerous discussions with other squad leaders until midnight to create progress and value to MWS! It is common that we discuss a matter from 10pm to 2am. But I really enjoyed the time I had as we really worked together to fulfil our tasks!

As we are the first batch to be transition into online, as a leader, there are a lot of groundwork to be done. How do you conduct trainings, how do you collaborate with other squad leaders and members that you couldn’t meet, and the hardest ones: How do you conduct 6 hours workshop and recruitment itself into online? Literally burned so many midnights oil. Just to name a few: recruitment poster, liaise with CS office, registration form, e-mail template, trainers and facilitators recruitment, trainings, bootcamp content, interview process. Really, all of these is just the tip of the iceberg, I remember we spent 10+ hours collectively on bootcamp and interview process. Looking back, it really taught me to be responsible and honed my sacrificial spirit to make things done!

Very tiring. Yet so rewarding. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” does really echoing with my story! I had walked the talk, and I say that statement is true. The hardship propelled me into further where it is another story. But hear me out future MWS members, if you have the opportunity to take a leader role, take it, it makes your MWS journey a full circle, a fulfilling circle in fact.

My life advice to everyone to you is just keep taking initiative, life is full of opportunities, and it is yours to take it. It is because the initiative, I became student ambassador, from there, Microsoft Ambassador, MWS Squad Leader, MWS Social Media Lead, became national top 10 in Unilever Future Leaders League (business case competition), got accepted into YLA (mentorship program by McKinsey), created a social enterprise within 3 months, helped 6 hawkers to increase their weekend revenue by RM80-RM150.

I know that there are more opportunities ahead and I am being very optimistic on it! Hey! Maybe the title isn’t just a mood lifter, its my current mantra of living. I hope everyone find the Dory inside you!

"When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming."